KennelSol Germicidal Cleaner & Disinfectant (1 Gallon Jug)

KennelSol Germicidal Cleaner & Disinfectant (1 Gallon Jug)

OdorPet Concentrate Stain and Pet Odor Remover - Black Cherry (9.46L)


Professional Strength Stain and Pet Odor Eliminator for Carpets, Floors and Surfaces (Black Cherry Scent) (9.46L Jug)

OdorPet Concentrate is our industrial strength stain and pet odor eliminator that removes all the smells and stains pets leave behind. OdorPet Concentrate is perfect for our spray bottle refills, mixing in mopping buckets, or for use in your professional carpet cleaning machine. Our unique, bio-active formula is a commercial grade carpet shampoo and floor cleaner used in businesses with heavy traffic, dirty carpets, greasy porous and non-porous surfaces including hard wood and linoleum. Used by pet resorts, kennels and rescues across America, our industrial pet odor remover uses bio-enzymes to break down odor-causing debris into harmless CO2 and water.

OdorPet Concentrate is veterinarian approved and kennel tested as a professional strength urine enzyme pet stain carpet cleaner, formulated for animal care specialists, as well as businesses with the toughest odor and stain situations.OdorPet Concentrate eliminates odors and stains from dog and cat urine, bird urates, protein, animal body fat, blood, mucus, and feces in cages, dog runs, drains, trash receptacles, hard floors, furniture, and fabrics.

  • Bio-active formulation for immediate, intermediate and long-term action
  • Great for use in carpet extractors
  • Safe on upholstery
  • Great on artificial turf, pea gravel and wood chips
  • Environmentally safe & biodegradable
  • Lavender or Black Cherry scent


The Science of OdorPet Concentrate

OdorPet Concentrate's pet odor eliminator is a bio-active formula of stabilized bacterial spores that produce additional enzymes in the presence of organic animal debris. Proprietary components encapsulate odor producing substrates, then free them for action by special strains of microbial components. Microbial components then clean and break-down debris to CO2 & water (400+ billion microbes per gallon of diluted solution). These microbes remain optimally effective in temperature ranges between 50° - 120° F, and in near neutral pH ranges of 5-9.


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pH NeutralNon-corrosive and non-staining to surfaces, carpet, fabrics and clothing
Breaks down organic debrisGreat for urine, feces, animal body fat buildups, blood, mucus, and bird urates
GreenMicrobial components clean and break-down debris to CO2 & water
Veterinarian ApprovedFormulated and approved by veterinarians and animal care specialists
Easy to UseRemove debris then spray and let dry

For pet messes anywhere

  1. Shake before using
  2. Mix 1 part OdorPet Concentrate with 4 parts lukewarm water around 70°F (about 1 quart of concentrate to a gallon of water)
  3. Apply to soiled area. Scrub stained area with cloth or brush depending on the surface type and severity of the stain. For carpet messes, make sure to saturate the area with OdorPet so the solution will reach the lowest point where the odor-causing debris is located (i.e. if urine saturates all the way down to your carpet pad and subfloor, OdorPet Concentrate must reach that point. OdorPet Concentrate will only work if it reaches the source of the odor causing debris).
  4. For optimal use on heavily soiled areas apply solution and allow to air dry over a 4-hour period prior to disinfecting.
  5. Repeat as needed